Case Study - Power Station

Rehabilitation by the Sea

Save money with Nu Flow’s Pull-in-Place technology

Industry / Market: Residential Community / Facility Management, Jeffery’s Bay, Eastern Cape

System: Asbestos cement and earthenware. Relined 350 meters of DN160mm with 800GSM felt liner and 2K epoxy.

Situation: Following a series of consistent blockages, Nu Flow were called to clean, and camera inspect the pipes. The pipes run under cannells in a residential complex right on the beach.

Solution: The client requested that Nu Flow conduct a CCTV Inspection after high-pressure jet cleaning of the line. The inspection highlighted numerous defective joints and cracks within the lines.

A pipe replacement was impossible since sections of the pipeline ran under the canals. Even rerouting the pipeline was not viable since the reroute would be a few hundred meters due to the configuration of the canals and shoreline.

Nu Flow then proceeded to reline the damaged sections.

The End Result: The project was done & completed in a timeous fashion.