G.D. Irons

Nu Pipes for the Nu Year at G.D. Irons

G.D. Irons, Centurion


One only realize our storm water pipes are leaking, blocked or damaged when it rains, and over the past few months have we had some serious flash floods!
This was the exact situation for GD Irons. Every time it rained the new office park in Centurion was experiencing water damage from eight of their 110mm PVC storm water stacks which were leaking.

G.D. Irons called Nu Flow to do a CCTV camera inspection on the pipes and find out why they were leaking.

A CCTV camera inspection revealed that contractors had drilled into the walls and columns and put screws in to hold the roof truss strapping in place.
The screws had punctured the pipes causing them to leak whenever it rained.
The pipes run within the buildings structural columns making a pipe replacement impossible.
G.D. Irons has 2 options: reroute the pipes or reline them.

G.D. Irons chose wisely.


Nu Flow used a Micro Cutter cleaning machine to grind the screws inside the pipe at prior to lining the pipes. Once all the sharp points of the screws were removed, Nu Flow relined the pipes using Nu Flow’s structural lining technology.

An epoxy saturated liner was pulled into each pipe. Within the liner is a rubber bladder which is inflated when the liner is in position.

The bladder is left inflated until the epoxy has cured. Once the epoxy has cured, the bladder is removed leaving behind a ‘nu pipe’ within the host pipe. The relining was done working from the fullbores on the roof and the gutter outlet at the bottom of the pipe outside the building thereby causing absolutely no disruption and damage to the office park.

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