Case Study - Olympic Sized Swimming Pool in East London

Industry / Market: Olympic Sized Swimming Pool in East London

Situation: Nu Flow was contacted by the client with the following pool problems. Their newly constructed Olympic sized pool and children’s pool both have an intricate self-cleaning UPVC pipe network at the bottom of each pool, which unfortunately was not pressure tested before building. Before the pools were filled with water the pipelines were pressure tested, resulting in the finding that the pipes would leak once the pools were filled. The client was desperate for a cost-effective solution to this devastating news.

While a traditional repair would have caused a messy nightmare, Nu Flow’s long-term, in-place pipe lining technology was the ideal solution.

Solution:  The pipelines were relined using the blue structural liner technology with a combination of Steam and Ambient curing.

After inspecting and jetting (cleaning) the damaged lines, a total of +/- 40m of pipeline was relined.

The job took a fraction of the time that traditional pipe replacement would have taken, not forgetting the costs saved using this technology. The end result is an epoxy coated pipe network, repaired from the inside.

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