Wonderboom Airport

Nu Flow relined Wonderboom Airport

Wonderboom Airport

Wonderboom Airport were experiencing water damage every time it rained in the main reception area of the airport.
The 110mm full bores and downpipes draining the roof were corroded and leaking.

A pipe replacement was not an option for the Airport as the downpipes run within the buildings structural columns. The airport management were not keen on a reroute as this would involve core drilling through the floorslab on each story and then dropping new pipes. The new pipes would be visible inside the airport detracting from the buildings aesthetics. Management opted to have the pipes relined with Nu Flow.

The versatility of Nu Flow’s technologies is one of our greatest strengths. On this project we were not able to use our structural liner (which we would usually use on storm water stacks) due to the access points we needed to work from.

No problem! We simply coated the pipes with Nu Flow’s epoxy coating technology sealing all the leaks.

Compressor hoses are connected to the pipe network.
An abrading agent is blasted through the pipes to remove all dirt and scale build up returning the pipes to their full original diameter.

The epoxy is then air blasted through the pipe network coating the inside and sealing all leaks.

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