Sewer & Storm Water Pipelines

The cured in-place pipe restoration process is an economical and efficient alternative to traditional pipe system replacement. Our technology allows us to restore and Re-Nu aged, corroded piping systems to a “better than new” condition without removing them.

The epoxy liner installed to the pipes’ interior will seal and protect the system from further deterioration, dramatically extending the life of the piping systems. The process can be used on a variety of piping materials, which include clay, concrete, metal, iron steel, PVC and fiberglass.

Nu Flow’s Pull-in-Place structural liner process is a patented, non-destructive technology that allows anyone occupying the building(s) to continue with their daily activities — preventing displacement, business closure and minimizing pipe system down time.

This innovative, cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) system creates a long-term, structural pipe inside the existing host pipe system without digging or destruction to buildings or landscape. The pipe is rehabilitated to a better-than-new condition, with an increased flow rate, eliminated weakened joints, sealed cracks and eradicating the chance of groundwater pollution. The Nu Flow structural lining technology is best suited for 2 cm to 30 cm in diameter. Specialty applications are available for larger pipe systems.

For more information on the CIPP process Click Here

Examples of Applicable Pipe Systems:

  • Mains, Horizontal Laterals, Vertical Stacks
  • Sanitary Systems
  • Storm/Roof Drains
  • Vent Systems
  • Processed/Industrial/Chemical Piping
  • Other Waste Systems
  • Residential & Commercial Properties
  • Industrial, Municipal & Government Properties
  • Government Properties